Garden plots available for 2023 season

As of Feb. 22, there are 4 plots available this year. One is a full plot (20’ x 20’) in the lower garden, and there are three available half-plots (10’ x 20’), two in the upper garden and one in the lower garden.  

Fees for the 2023 season are $40 for a full plot and $20 for a half plot. Water and organic compost are provided. Further details about our organic gardens are available elsewhere on the website.  For further information about the available plots or to arrange to see the plots, please contact Francis Kennedy ( or Megan Holthoff (

End of Season

Thanks to Francis for organizing the end of season cleanup at the gardens. It was a beautiful morning to drain the hoses & meet to discuss next year. Thanks to Meg for keeping the accounts.

Please take advantage of this week’s weather to prepare your garden for planting in the Spring. It’s a gift.